Pilates for Aerialists 

Air Control PilatesŸ  Everything Aerial, with a different perspective & the missing jigsaw piece!


Download - Self Care for Aerialists

As a fellow Aerialist, can you relate to any of these? 

  • You LOVE aerial and want to be able to keep doing it and stay healthy and balanced.
  • You feel out of whack and in pain often. You don’t want to stop aerial, but you don’t know what to do about it.
  • Feeling imbalanced and/or lopsided n your body and no matter how hard you try to ‘train the other side’ it doesn’t seem to fix it or make it better.
  • You get pain or uncomfortable familiar aches but when you train it goes away, so you just keep training lots.
  • Do you dread ‘rest days’ – the thought of it fills you with anxiety. You don’t know how to rest or what to do with yourself in ‘downtime’?
  • You don’t know how to ‘fix’ the niggles and aches you have. You don’t do anything about it but you know you ‘should’ do something.

If any of these apply,

Aerial Pilates was made for you!

Hi, I'm Debbie, 

Founder of Air Control Pilates and Artistic Director of A Blank Canvas ​

Here’s how it’s played out in my personal experience
 with over 20 years as a Pilates teacher & 16 years as an Aerialist

The highlights!

  1. Got professional funding from Creative Scotland to create and tour a personal show, 'In Her Shadows' across Scotland as part of the SMHAFF and directed by Cora Bissett
  2. Produced, managed and performed, Miss.Fit Sister’s Vintage Circus during the Edinburgh Festival
  3. Worked with Fred Deb on 'In Her Shadows', Fred was our Aerial Consultant
  4. Was chosen to do creative development with Paperdoll Militia (US & UK based Aerial company)
  5. Met incredible lifelong friends all over the world!
  6. I'm proud of myself for each and every time I was scared of a trick, move or experience when I showed up and did my best

The other experiences

Also included

  1. Not naturally flexible
  2. Endlessly working on my lordosis & ongoing imbalanced side & sciatica
  3. I often trained and pushed through pain, when I 'should' of rested
  4. I dreaded rest days from aerial and I overtrained
  5. Spent years being 'skint' spending all my money on aerial training
  6. I was turned down for many auditions and funding applications

Any of those sound familiar?

Read Debbie's Story

What is Aerial Pilates? 

Aerial Pilates with involves practising Pilates exercises in the air by suspending the body, or parts of the body in an aerial hammock. The hammock is suspended close to the ground at the height of the hips to the lower leg. 

Why is Aerial Pilates so good for Aerialists?

You know this material....  

This time it feels like second skin.   Moving in the air freely and gaining strength from within, including:

  • Learn key fundamentals that will feel like the missing jigsaw piece to your inner connections and understanding
  • Time to focus on feeling your centre and connecting with yourself
  • Improve strength, connections and feel in beautiful control
  • Improve neural pathways with movements and flow
  • Proactive approach to training
  • Increase your body awareness

The hammock will meet you on your journey wherever you’re at, it’s a natural teacher that has your back​...  literally! 

 Air Control PilatesŸ Aerial Pilates Teacher Training  

This course covers 10 Units, covering; 

  • Safe Practice of Aerial Pilates/rigging awareness
  • Introduction to Anatomy
  • Pilates History
  • Circus history & its intertwining with Pilates
  • Pilates Fundamentals and principles
  • Includes full Air Control Pilates syllabus - video and worksheets
  • Planning to teach 
  • Practice teaching, tips, cues & spotting
  • Managing & marketing your sessions
Find out more!

It’s time to be supported fully in your artistry. You have limitless potential.

Self Care for Aerialists

Aerial Arts is a captivating and demanding physical art form

Combining my love for aerial arts with the principles of Pilates, I naturally started creating a unique syllabus that blends the two disciplines.  It's my utmost joy to share this fusion of aerial arts and Pilates with you.

Apply Today!


"My jaws since been releasing which is amazing as I’ve been holding so much tension in it for years. It really was just what I needed right at the right time. 

You’ve got to trust in the universe & where it takes you & to the people it pulls you towards"



"I did the in person course and it is hands down the best course I have ever done and as a yoga teacher of many years, I've taken a lot of post qualification training.

You will not only learn to teach Air Control Pilates, you'll learn so so much about the quirks of your own body.

Absolutely outstanding course  Thank you, It really was incredible.  What you have created & you yourself & your knowledge 



"Absolutely outstanding course  Thank you, It really was incredible.  What you have created & you yourself & your knowledge" 



"You are absolutely the best teacher, you create such a safe and nurturing space to learn and you're also hilarious which for me, is the perfect combination to learn"



"If any of you are thinking about this course, just go for it, you will not regret it! 

It's packed full to the brim of the best information, support and love! We also laughed a lot! 


What’s Included

  • Access to a whole Air Syllabus with videos and downloadable worksheets
  • Support for planning to teach and practise teaching with cues, spotting and top tips
  • A range of Pilates Matwork classes in a library full with ideas and different sections
  • An incredible Anatomy Application that is fun, intriguing and easy to use
  • All of this is also accessible on a friendly easy to use App 
  • Specific, detailed personal feedback for you to learn, grow and fly!

You will gain

  • A deeper understanding of the Pilates method from a professional Aerialist 
  • Specific Pilates Matwork classes for Aerialists and Aerial arts ideal for w/ups, conditioning and a proactive approach
  • Both Pilates & Circus History – hear about how Joseph Pilates worked with circus performers
  • A super useful Anatomy Application that is helpful to understand your own body and students too
  • Safe practise of Aerial rigging awareness – written & spoken by professional rigger
  • How to plan and teach a session for privates or group sessions or your own training
  • Air Control Pilates© syllabus as videos, written form & downloadable PDF’s

A Grounded Approach to Creativity

  • Our learning process is safe and structured
  • I have created the syllabus carefully from aerial roots as a great training tool for practicing good movement patterns in the air, using the Pilates method  ​
  • The work has been created to introduce aerial arts to Pilates and for the development of aerial arts training
  • Our manuals are carefully structured, including a syllabus of exercises for each stage in our Air Control Pilates Âź Aerial Pilates teacher training courses

 Pilates & Aerial Friends  


Alan Herdman

Alan is a London based dancer and teacher, who opened the UK’s first Pilates studio in 1970.  It was an absolute honour to introduce the aerial hammock to Pilates legend, Alan Herdman in 2019.  


Chris Blagdon

Chris trained with Alan Herdman and he is the owner of Edinburgh Pilates Centre, which was the first Pilates centre outside of London and the first in Scotland.  

I have been mentored by Chris for nearly 15 years throughout my career learning from his endless wealth of knowledge, inspiration and quirkiness!

Julianna Hane 

We are delighted to have Julianna Hane join us and work collaboratively on some of our Air school courses.  â€‹Julianna is a dancer and aerialist and holds an MFA in Modern Dance from the University of Utah, a certificate in Laban Movement Analysis, and trained as a Pilates instructor at The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO.  â€‹
She is also a graduate of the New England Center for Circus Arts Professional Training Program, and is the author of the Aerial Teacher’s Handbook.

Fred Deb 

Aerial consultant on In Her Shadows.

"Since the beginning of her career as a circus artist, Fred Deb' defined herself as an aerial choreographer. Her groundbreaking work on silk and rope makes her one of the founders of the genre.

She quickly created a unique choreographic style, focusing her work essentially on the search for choreographed movements, which naturally led to dance." (From Fred Deb)


Christopher Robbins

Debbie's Dad,

We’ve taken the best consultancy around health and safety and suspending people in the air by consulting with Dr Christopher Robbins,  who is both a metallurgist, a Dr of metals, and as part of a long career in health and safety is the Auditor for IRATA -  the industrial rope access trade association

 …he also happens to be my Dad!

Crucial to the development of the Air control signature hammock & rig – coming soon!

Breathe Fresh Air into your Movement 

Debbie Robbins  ~ Air Control Pilates Creator


Self Care for Aerialists & Movers